

Pharmacognosy is the study of medicines derived from natural sources. The study of crude drugs under this department provides the knowledge the natural plant & animal drugs along with active constituents present. The knowledge of pharmacognosy is useful in production of spices, cereals, papers, fabrics, paints & also bakery products. Indian has rich heritage of large number of medicinal plants which have been used for various medicinal purposes from many centuries. This pharmacognosy study helps to understand identification, extraction, purification, standardization & formulation of drugs & also to find out adulteration in drugs.

Departmental Objectives

1. To enrich the students by providing knowledge of modern techniques for isolation, screening & utilization of phytochemicals.
2. To update the skills of students in identifying & characterizing the constituents of natural resources.
3. To encourage students for discovering different active moieties from natural sources.
4. To highlight the importance of drugs from natural origin in the treatment of diseases.
5. To train faculty & students in safe handling of chemicals & creating awareness about hazardous effects of chemicals